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Midi packs mapping

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  • John


    it is possible to tweak the CC4 curves for Input and Output (to the Superior 2 engine) in Superior 2.
    If you e.g. experience your HH has problems with Closed but not Tight trig notes, or if you want more Open nuances, you edit this on the Mapping page in Superior 2.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I erased all attributed articulations and notes and started from beggining constructing my own settings.
    Its somewaht cool now… with JUST the yamaha DTXtreme IV.. (i didnt use the alesis I|O and Alesis Continuous Hi Hat pedal)

    But now i read this, and its cool too with alesis I|O and alesis pedal:

    So, ive have now 2 modes of using the 2 hi hat pedals/modules. Still, i prefer how i made the configuration, ill try to explain:

    1-We will assume Yamaha DTXtreme IV Standard complete kit just and we will be positioned on the first yamaha dtxtreme IV kit with its midi preset/notes (oak custom), this kit have a dual zone hi hat pad ; dual zone snare pad ; 1 Crash with 3 zones pad ; 1 Ride with 3 zone pad ; 3 Toms with single zone pad.
    2-Configure all Yamaha DTXtreme pads to have “99” Gain and “1” minimum velocity values sending.
    3-Now, go erase all notes from hi hats articulations on SDrummer 2, and all notes on all kit Nashville, for example.
    4-make “Midi NODES” which i named them:

    A-“HH_Open_Center” (make learn for the Hi Hat pad center, without the pedal yet)
    Then, i dragged the “OPEN 3” articulation to it

    B-“HH_Open_Edge” (make learn for the Hi Hat pad edge without the pedal yet)
    Then, i dragged the “Hats:hatsTrig” and “Open 4” articulations to it…

    Now…the best way of configuring this, was with this method i’ll talk about:
    Everytime you add new articulations to the Midi Node, use diferent VELOCITY values to each articulation, in the B i used for “Open 4” 0 to 62 velocities and for “Hats:hatsTrig” 63 to 127… this way we have close sounds and really differing depending in our beating and the best part… with a single zone and without the pedal (yet).
    You must have to tweak a little each member velocity control though… depending on how strong you want to hear the transients..

    C-“HH_Half_Open_Edge” (make learn for the Hi Hat pad edge with the pedal pressed)
    Then, i dragged the “Open 2” -> “Open 1” -> “Closed” -> “Tight” articulations to it… with the following velocities to each one, in the same order:
    81 to 127
    50 to 80
    30 to 49
    0 to 29
    Again, make some fine adjustments to each member velocity curve making this kind of curve:,r:24,s:28

    D-“Close Pedal” (make learn for the Hi Hat pedal pressing the pedal)
    Then, i dragged the “Closed Pedal” articulation to it… The velocity curve for this one is almost at maximum from left to right (in order to ear more this articulation without tweak its volume independently)

    E-“Closed Pedal” (make learn for the Hi Hat pad center with the pedal pressed)
    Then, i dragged the “Seq Soft” -> “Seq Hard” -> “Tight Tip” -> “Closed Tip” -> “Closed Bell” articulations to it… with the following velocities to each one, in the same order:
    0 to 30
    31 to 61
    62 to 82
    83 to 109
    110 to 127
    Again, make some fine adjustments to each member velocity curve making the last articulations being louder at higher velocity pressings…

    If you make all this adjustments, we have a amazing hi hat feeling while using the pedal, 2 zones pad and our own sensibility … amazing feature on the Superior Drummer.
    I now, may think its better that using the pedal CC4 values to control the Openess of the Hi Hat…

    You can then make the rest of the kit, adding the snare, rim, tom1 etc.

    I found a way of muting the crash naturally too, assign the “Crash” sound to a 2 zone pad center…. then assign the “Mute” sound to the edge of the pad, NOW, very important, DRAG JUST the volume of “MUTE” articulation all the way down. And test it.

    I think my kit is very cool now. I can send the presets if anyone wants it.

    Just for the record, i prefer much more the Alesis Continuous Hi Hat pedal.. its more precise (but because i couldn’t make it work with my yamaha kit, i made this above method.)


    Anyway John, i didn’t quite understand your statement of adjust the CC4 way of working in the mapping page…. we see below, “Notes” and “CC” … but …attributing notes to each CC4 (0 to 127) values…i think we can’t.



    this isn’t the place for Support matters, this is the Pre-sales section.
    I have already answered your other post here:
    let’s continue there.

    If you can’t access the link, please see the Forum FAQ:

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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