Just Purchased Superior Drommer 2 Cross Grade, but noting happen?

Product Manager
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  • Scott

    If it’s in your account, you can download Product Manager and download the entire library.

    If it’s not in Product Manager, do you have the serial number in your email receipt that you can register? You can register new serial numbers in Product Manager.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Leif Briis

    No I did not get any serial number with the confirmation e-mail.. and I don’t see it any where except in “my info” in my account on toontrack..

    I can not see it any where in the download manager ..??

    Whats the problem..?


    It looks like there was a failed auto-register of the serial number. I’m away from my real computer at the moment but as soon as I’m home, I’ll register the serial number to your account.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Leif Briis

    @Scott said:

    It looks like there was a failed auto-register of the serial number. I’m away from my real computer at the moment but as soon as I’m home, I’ll register the serial number to your account.

    Thank you very much.. I will look forward to that..!


    Ive got this one Scott.

    Leif, You will have a serial number momentarily.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Leif Briis

    @Michael said:

    Ive got this one Scott.

    Leif, You will have a serial number momentarily.

    Yes it seems that I have got the solution on the problem.. The serial number came with e-mail and another e-mail told that it was added to my download manager.. and yes it was.. ;-).. Im about to download the avatar core library .. Thanks, it seems to be on the right track now..

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