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Today only – 40% off 18
selected EZXs.

Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

I would Like a Working demo of EZkeys

EZkeys Pre-sales
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  • John


    are you getting any kind of error message during the installation or does it just hang?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    It almost completely installs, but then I get a missing file message and the program fails to complete the installation. It happens when it is mostly installed.


    tried for a few hours now to get the demo of EZkeys grand piano to work, but the install w

    Error 1311 Source file not found. The file not found is Host.Cab. But the file is right there in the folder I can see it!

    This has got to be bad for business. I am losing interest rapidly in buying this product. Thanks for your help.


    that would be because, I am almost certain, you have not extracted the zip file the demo is distributed as. Come back to us if that’s not the case.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Successfully installed -thanks for your help.

    I like this product very much. I am going to have to buy it now, the detuning is an interesting motivation!

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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