One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

EZKeys Request

Requests and Feedback
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  • Fuaimador

    I have no inside information but I would guess they will come in the form of fill packs….B3 Hammond….A variety of Basses…..Strings….Synths………all the way to the Holy Grail, The Welsh Male Voice Choir, There must be about 6 in pre production as we speak 🙂

    Frans Schoffelen

    Since the demise of Virtual Bassist and Broomstick Bass on MAC OS X EVERYbody I know who is into pre-production of songs and scores has been complaining about the lack of A. A proper Library of MIDI bass notes for plugins like TRILLIAN or B. The lack of a quick way to have some midi bass lines (played ones, not bass lines for Electronic, most of which tend to be generated) in a format that is both elegant and adaptable.

    When EZKEys came out I bought it, hoping for the BASS library to come out or something like that, maybe even EZBASS since the Midi files would be so different.
    What would be really cool is a co-dependent EY-KEYS and EZ-BASS.

    Hey you guys up there in the north. It’s christmas soon!!!


    Best From Berlin

    Jay Coover

    EZKeys is designed to analyze and manipulate chords. I’d think where you have basically a monophonic source (bass) it would present some difficult challenges to EZKeys in its current form.

    Say you have two bass notes in a measure. C and E. Is that all a C major chord, where the bass is going to the 3rd, or is that a C and an E minor? Or is the E actually major?

    That confusion does not exist with most piano material, and certainly none of the included EZKeys MIDI.

    What you’re asking isn’t impossible, just different from how EZKeys was designed for now.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings

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