EZGuitar & EZBass Out Soon ?

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  • Jcpstrat

    If Toontrack is working on a bass program they may have missed the boat a little. Digitech has a product called Trio Pedal (not a VST plugin or program), but it produces separate bass and drum patterns that allow you to either play along with or record. It generates these after it listens to what you play during it’s learning mode. It’s quite impressive. I got to try one over Memorial Day weekend and now it’s on my Father’s Day list! Just got tired of waiting for an easy way to get bass patterns into my DAW. Cool


    I’m a drummer with limited keyboard chops who just bought EZKeyz to help me finish songs. It interests me that keyboardists in particular can’t hear percussion parts in their head. You know, ways to greatly enhance their compositions via percussion.

    It just seems to me that there is something to be said for building a groove from the bottom up, not the top down. Drummer/Producer Steve Jordan of course comes to mind. It’s all about the bass line imo, and it’s the drummer’s job to make the bass player sound good. That’s what people feel. The harmony is nice color, but rhythm is what moves people. Combine harmony with rhythm in a manner that emotes something real, and you’ve got something…

    EZ this & EZ that. These should only be tools to help us convey real compositions that come from our soul…

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