Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Decades Download / ERROR size of recieved file was incorrect

Product Manager
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  • Olof

    I’ve purged the server caches for the file that the download last stopped at, so hopefully it goes better now. Let me know if you get any error again.

    It doesn’t help to restart an entire download, retrying by resuming is enough. Errors like this can correct themselves on the servers after some time but it’s good that you report it so we can try to fix it by clearing the caches.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

    Johannes Pinkelnig

    Hey Olof !

    Thank you so much for your swift response !


    Hi Olof,

    Can you do this for me too? My download of Indiependant SDX in product manager keeps crapping the bed.

    Download resumes without complaint when I click, but why must this be a constantly user attended operation? At this rate it will take me about a month.


    Operating system: Windows 10

    i7-2670QM CPU 2.20GHz, 2201 Mhz, 4 Core 8 Proc; (RAM) 8.00 GB; Realtek High Definition Audio (ASIO4ALL) or Komplete Audio 6 or Fractal Audio Axe-FX II (native ASIO); Win7 64 C mSATA 64GB SSD, Data- 500 GB 7200 HDD

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