Any recommendations EzMix Pack and Producer Presets recommended for Indie Folk EZX?

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  • Scott Eshleman

    @afavreau said:Hi,
    Could someone recommend the best products to mix my drums?

    I’m about to mix an album and I’ve used The Indie Folk EZX on 10 songs and the Allaire Kit on New York Vol.2 for the two other songs.
    Would some producer presets work for the Indie Folk? Or any EzMix pack in particular?
    Thanks, Andre

    If by “Producer Presets” you mean those listed on the SuperiorDrummer product page ( ),
    then, No, they will not work with any EZDrummer expansion sound library. They are only for use with SuperiorDrummer libraries,
    and I believe that each Producer Preset pack is designed for a specific SuperiorDrummer sound library.
    In other words, the Producer Preset titled, “Metal Foundry Presets – Andy Sneap” will work ONLY with The Metal Foundry SDX and nothing else.


    Scott Eshleman

    Oops!! Correction:

    I see that there are 3 Producer Preset packs available for the following EZDrummer sound libraries;
    Metal Machine, MetalHeads, and DFH.
    I do not see any Producer Presets pack for the Indie Folk library.

    That said, there are a couple of EZMix2 packs that can be applied to your drum tracks, be they EZDrummer, SuperiorDrummer or any drum session you’ve recorded.


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