Announcing the Toontrack Custom Shop

Requests and Feedback
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  • Scott Eshleman

    and at what cost would you think an individual kit piece should be priced?
    would a crash cymbal or a kick drum be priced higher than a rack tom?

    just wonderin’…

    Bryan Block

    @gseshleman said:

    and at what cost would you think an individual kit piece should be priced?
    would a crash cymbal or a kick drum be priced higher than a rack tom?

    just wonderin’…

    It might be beneficial to package them in sets, like 4 different snares or a full set of toms, or a “EZ ride expansion pack 1” “EZ ride expansion pack 2” etc…

    If they were in “packs” that included more than one drum, I would think that a $15 price point might be attractive, individual drums might be $5-$10 if they were something really, really special.


    Creativity is a Work Ethic.

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