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Manually Programming Hi-Hat Pedal Openess in the Grid Editor Window


I have a few questions regarding the best way to realistically program a hi-hat abruptly closing by drawing hits in the grid editor without the use of a E-drum hi-hat trigger.

I’ve tried a few things but with inconsistent results.

If I am trying to get the sound of the pedal actually closing, can I use the “enable curve” setting within the Pedal CC editor in the advanced view drop down menu? Or, is it possible to achieve this sound within the hi-hat articulation options within the main grid editor?

Do these CC Pedal Control settings override the hi-hat articulations drawn in the main grid editor (e.g. “Open Edge 0-4”) or do they only affect specific high hat articulations?

What’s the difference between Pedal CC Control (CC1) and Pedal CC Control (CC4)? Which one would be best to use to manually program information if not using a midi instrument?

Thanks for your time!


EZDrummer 2 and Yamaha DTX700 Issue

Hi. I selected “Yamaha” as my edrums as instructed. Everything works correctly except the Hi Hat. This responds with a hi hat and floor tom sound simultaneously. I’m using Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio as my DAW. Has anyone else experienced something like this and found a fix? Thank you.

Crazy Hi Hat!

Just purchased EZDrummer 2 and have a novice question:  I’m using my Yamaha DTX700 to trigger EZDrummer. I have this set in E-Drums>MIDI Mapping. When I strike the Hi-Hat, I hear both the Hi-Hat and the Floor Tom simultaneously. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? My DAW is Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio. Thank you

Hi hat calibration doesnt work with my TD-11 in SD3…

My hi hat settings on my module seem to be all good.  The hi hat pedal goes from tightly closed to all the way open with no in between.  I have the hi hat pedal control where it needs to be also.  I found the hi hat calibration, but it doesn’t do anything.  it says that its listening for me to start calibration by closing the pedal, but nothing happens.  Any ideas?

Non-smooth transition between hi-hat samples

Hi there,

As directed from this forum post, I’m raising a question a few people clearly have around transitions between the HH samples in SD3.

In SD3 there are, I believe, 8 sets of samples for different degrees of HH open-ness. The problem being experience is that there doesn’t seem to be any smooth transitioning (with cross-fading etc.) between them – so the sample jumps very audibly from one to the other. This is a problem if:

  1. you hit the HH when it’s open and then slowly close it, or,
  2. you do a roll on the HH and gradually open or close it.

In either case, the sample jumps abruptly from one Openness level to another, which sounds extremely unnatural, to the extent (in my opinion) that you really can’t play anything on the hihat that invokes this kind of sound, which is a big shame for what is otherwise such a great instrument. It’s not a problem with HH controllers because I, and others, have tried editing the MIDI data so that the transition is in continuous steps of 1 CC value. It’s a bit like taking the slide away from a children’s playground and replacing it with some stairs. It would hurt.

This is an issue common to any sample library multi-level sampling (e.g. a piano) and/or with aftertouch/CC-controlled intensity changes (e.g. a clarinet) and there are clearly ways round it, because it’s not generally audible in the other libraries I use (e.g. Synthogy Ivory, Vienna Symphonic Library, etc.). Presumably, the solution people use is something like:

  1. When the sample changes mid-note, it slowly fades between samples rather than cutting from one to the other
  2. When the sample onset is changed, it mixes proportions of the two adjacent samples.

I this really not possible in SD3?

How to keep Hi Hat in a fixed position while playing double bass?


I hope this isn’t a redundant question, but I’ve been scouring the forum and the internet at large and am stymied.

I’m triggering SD3 using a Roland TD-11 kit, and it sounds awesome, but I need the hi-hat to stay in a fixed position while I’m using my left foot to play double bass.

In the TD-11’s module there is a “Fixed Hi Hat” setting that accomplishes this easily when using the module’s sounds… but that setting does nothing when triggering SD3. So whatever Roland’s”Fixed Hi Hat” setting is doing, I guess it’s not affecting the MIDI output in a way that Superior can detect?

Is there some way to limit the hi hat to a fixed, closed sound? At practice today we had to literally set a heavy object on the hi hat pedal to force it to stay ‘closed’.

With as many awesome metal kits as SD3 has, I’m sure a billion people out there are cranking double bass stuff on their e-kits, but I can find nothing anywhere about how they are dealing with this.


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