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Chad Austin

I know it’s been a few months on her but I thought I’d try asking this question anyway:

is there a way, via sound card and audio interface (like M Audio’s Fast Track Ultra 8R), to output selected tracks from SD2.0 over to an external recorder, like a vs1880?

For example, just bring over the BD, BD sub, SN, tom1, OH, OH, ambient, HH… to their own tracks?


Chad Austin, Inc.
Mac Pro || 2.7 GHz 12-core || 64 GB || 1TB SSD || Graphics: AMD FirePro D700 running dual Asus PA329 4k monitors
Cubase 9 || UA Apollo twin Thunderbolt || UAD-2 Thunderbolt Satellite || Steinberg CC121 Control Surface
SD 2 || SD 3 || Bob Rock SDX3 || SDX Allaire || SDX Avatar || Custom & Vintage || SDX Hit Factory || SDX Metal Machinery || SDX Music City

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