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How long is EZX electronics on the market. September 2009 or something?

Yes, I would think that this speaks volumes to how the users feel about this.

Anyway, I bought it a month ago, and when I opened it, two things were inmediately apparent.
The slow way of sample browsing and the GUI always opens in standard view.

Does the Electronic EZX open in Standard View when you load it in S2.2.1? It loads in Classic View here.

Keeping your cards to the chest is something I can relate to, but I expected this issue to be the exeption on the rule.

With all due respect, why? Why would this feature request be given special treatment? Those of us that work for Toontrack in some capacity or another (techs, betatesters, etc.) all sign NDAs and couldn’t speak of future developments if we wanted to.

Scott Sibley - Toontrack
Technical Advisor

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