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Known issues with the current version of EZplayer

[— UPDATED: 2015-01-12 —]

IMPORTANT: the current version is EZplayer 1.2.0 – Download the latest version now

Known issues with version 1.2.0

– the internal tempo of the MIDI files is not respected in the situation where the plugin window has been closed and the host tempo is subsequently changed and ‘sync’ is active.

Known issues with hosts

– Acid 6: first note event may be ignored after dnd to host requiring manual extension of clip
– Cubase 4: complains that EZplayer is mono when inserted on instrument track
– Digital Performer 6: ‘ghost’ sequences may appear on drag and drop
– Fruity Loops 8: error on dnd (sometimes leading to crash)
– Logic 8/9: key commands may interfere with typing Authorization code (use Toontrack solo instead)
– ProTools 7: erratic screen refresh when GUI is sitting on top of a PT window
– Samplitude 8: loss of MIDI timing after drag and drop (fixed in Samplitude 8.3)
– Samplitude 10.0: playback can not be stopped once started, fixed in 10.2
– Traktion 2: host lock up on drag and drop when ‘Real Time Property’ is ON

Version History

– version 1.2.0 or above is required for Mac OS 10.9 and Windows 8.1 compatibility
– version 1.2.0 or above is required for Pro Tools 11 compatibility
– version 1.1.1 or above is required for Mac OS 10.8 and Windows 8 compatibility
– version 1.1.1 was the last version tested against Windows XP and Mac OS 10.5
– version 1.1.0 or above is required for Mac OS 10.7 and Windows 7 compatibility
– version 1.1.0 or above is required for 64-bit operating systems / hosts compatibility
– version 1.0.6 was the last version tested against Mac OS 10.4
– version 1.0.5 or above is required for Mac OS 10.6 compatibility
– version 1.0.1 or above is required for Mac OS 10.5 and Windows Vista compatibility

New and improved in 1.2.0

– compatibility with Pro Tools 11 (AAX support)
– online authorization was added
– added an ‘About’ dialogue
– horizontal mouse wheel scrolling is now supported on Windows
– support for smooth scrolling with trackpads and similar in 64-bit hosts on Mac OS 10.7 or higher
– for user-added paths in the browser, kit piece definitions that can be used are now those that are present in installed Toontrack MIDI packs

Fixed in version 1.1.1

– recording could cause crashes
– moving/copying clips on the tracks could crash
– crashed if a corrupt MIDI file was dropped on a track
– browser playback when using the original tempo of the MIDI file would start a little too early every time it looped
– on Windows, the mouse wheel did not work on a secondary screen located to the left of the primary screen
– various fixes in the “Add Directory to the MIDI Browser” dialog and the “Update or Remove Directory” dialog
– after having made a clip on a track smaller by cropping the beginning, moving an accent moved it to the wrong position (when played back – graphically it looked correct)
– dragging from the browser to the arranger did not apply the source mapping to the new loop (but instead re-transformed the browser loop)
– quotation marks in track names, layer names and clip names caused them to not get saved/loaded correctly
– on Mac, the folder name of a user-added path in the browser may now contain slash and other characters that are allowed in file names on Mac
– on Mac, dragging a file with slashes or backslashes in the name to a track gave the resulting clip wrong name
– in Pro Tools on Mac, when the mouse was moved onto the plug-in window, the mouse cursor usually stayed what it was outside the window, for example a hand
– in Pro Tools on Windows, the mouse cursor never changed from an arrow when hovering over certain areas even though the plug-in tried to set it to something special
– when dragging in external MIDI to a track, the drop marker could be drawn behind existing clips
– the drop marker was too large when drawn on a layer
– when moving a clip on a track, it didn’t always snap correctly to the beginning of the clip, for example when time signature was 3/8 and grid size was a quarter note
– when time-stretching a clip, the visual marker line was sometimes drawn behind the clip and sometimes it did not stay in the current track/layer
– when moving an accent and releasing the mouse outside the clip, the move got cancelled instead of the the accent being moved to the left-most/right-most position as expected
– clicking below or above an accent with the arrow or delete tool now selects or deletes the whole clip instead of just the accent
– aborting a drag of an external file to the arranger by pressing escape did not remove the drop marker
– several memory leaks
– snap to grid improved to be more accurate
– drag and drop of a MIDI block from EZplayer pro to the desktop now uses the name of the block instead of the original filename
– moving an accent now shows an outline of the accent at the new position during the move
– the MIDI grooves previously available as a searate download are now included on installation
– new and updated wrappers

Fixed in version 1.1.0

– the automatically stopping of playback at the end of tracks should no longer cause EZplayer to crash
– random crashes during recording and fusing tracks should be much less likely to occur
– starting or stopping host playback when a track was set to follow host start/stop could lead to a crash in some circumstances
– clicking in the timeline on a track playing set to loop another portion of the track could lead to a crash
– controlling track velocity with MIDI when the EZplayer window was not open caused a crash
– closing the EZplayer window did not cancel the MIDI Learn in progress, if any, causing incoming MIDI to cause a crash
– clips recorded but containing no MIDI events no longer remain on the track after after the recording has been stopped, and are rightly disposed of
– if no tracks are playing and host transport is off or Sync turned off, the Browser will now reset its position and start playing immediately
– the playhead of a track following host position and host start/stop should now return to its original position when stopped after having been started by the host, assuming Auto Rewind is on
– Browser playback using the original tempo of the groove should no longer stutter when looping if the host tempo is different than the internal tempo of the MIDI file
– the syncing to host bar position should work more reliably in hosts providing problematic transport information
– syncing is done ‘silently’ i.e not playing from where the time line is. This is required for the single shot plays from the Browser
– Fixed an issue when playing an EZplayer track and then trying to sync the Browser to the host time line
– notes on tracks should no longer be skipped if the MIDI events have a position “in between buffers”, if the host made a small gap there and the track was set to follow host position
– when a track was set to follow host playback position and the host jumped from the end of a loop to the beginning, EZplayer would occasionally miss notes on the track
– when playing an EZplayer track that wasn’t set to follow host position and then starting the host transport, the position on the track would sometimes jump to wrong position
– some additional sync problems when jumping forward on the host time line have been resolved
– a ‘all notes off’ call is now enforced when playback is stopped
– a ‘all notes off’ call is now enforced when an Arranger track gets muted
– a ‘all notes off’ call is now enforced when the playback position is changed by a click elsewhere in the time line
– a ‘all notes off’ call is now enforced when a clip currently playing is deleted from a track
– a ‘all notes off’ call is now enforced when a different groove or clip is selected
– a ‘all notes off’ call is now enforced when a groove or clip is transposed
– while Browsing grooves, with playback ongoing, clicking on a corrupt MIDI file will now stop the playback to make obvious that the file encountered in invalid (the current groove would keep playing before the update)
– the Browser’s Follow Tracks option should now work correctly when changing the current/active track in the Arranger
– kit pieces dragged on Arranger tracks are now recalled properly from projects saved with this version (1.0.7 issue)
– the channel info of the note events after drag and drop from the Browser to the host when the ‘Thru’ option is used is preserved once again (1.0.7 issue)
– when recalling a project, the chosen MIDI channel for a track would be one less than it was when saving
– the ‘Thru’ option for MIDI output channel in the Browser should now work as intended
– copying track settings did not copy the MIDI out channel value correctly
– dragging a transposed kit piece multiple times from the Browser should no longer result in an incremental transposition for every drag and drop
– snap to grid now snaps to the nearest division in either directions (instead of to the closest preceding prior to update)
– the velocity and transpose up/down buttons sometimes did not work when clicked quickly
– the velocity and transpose up/down buttons now increase rate of change when pressed down for a certain time
– accidentally creating a loop on a track when clicking in the time line should now be less likely
– the velocity of clips on the Arranger tracks was not saved properly
– dragging kit pieces from the Browser to a track then back to a user folder in the Browser saved the original groove instead of only the kit pieces
– dragging kit pieces to a track with ‘Merge Kit Pieces’ on and saving saved the full groove as opposed to the kit piece info only
– selecting a kit piece then closing and reopening the plug-in window, last dragging the groove from the player display area to a track copied the full loop instead of just the kit pieces selection
– the “Drag & Drop MIDI” display did not show the selected groove name after re-opening the plug-in, if it was not also selected in the Browser
– dragging from the Browser playback display area when a different folder was selected in the Browser made “Find in Browser” for the resulting clip not work correctly
– right-clicking a mount point not previously selected did not bring up the edit dialog, requiring a 2-step process
– selecting a kit piece and then a different branch in the Browser without selecting a new groove could cause the tempo factors to not work as intended when subsequently dragging to a track
– when dragging a clip from one track to another, the outline would sometimes be drawn beyond existing clips on the track
– when dragging within the Arranger, the view automatically scrolled when the mouse was moved near the edge even if the drag was not in the direction that the view scrolled
– when moving an accent, the view scrolled when the mouse was moved near the edge even if the clip that contained the accent was already fully visible
– when dragging a clip to or within a track, the outline was drawn even if the mouse had been moved outside the track
– when the horizontal scroll size was calculated on opening the plug-in window, only clips on the last track ending past the 14th bar were considered, so that clips on previous tracks further to the right were not possible to scroll to
– in insert mode, the scroll width was not increased if a clip was pushed out to the far right of the track
– the savefile tempo setting should now be recalled correctly when Sync is off
– the velocity knobs for the tracks are no longer reset to 0 (graphically) when the plug-in window is opened
– the global play button is now correctly turned off when recording is stopped and no track playing
– selecting clips with the Command key (Mac) or Ctrl key (PC) held down but releasing the key before dragging now moves the clips (a copy would occur prior to the update)
– moving a clip in the Arranger should no longer deselect it as a result
– adding a layer to a track now shows the layers if they were hidden
– clicking a clip already selected on a track had for result that its transpose and velocity values were no longer displayed
– clicking on a track did not deselect the active clips on other tracks
– selecting an accent did not graphically deselect the active clips
– the mouse pointer kept showing a ‘Delete’ symbol when the mouse was moved away from a clip with the Delete tool selected
– “Follow Host Position” did not get checked in the tracks menu unless “Follow Host Start/Stop” was also checked, even though the two functions can be used independently
– MIDI headers ending with “.head” in the file system no longer display their suffix in the Browser
– the time line and signature should display the correct info when the window is (re)opened instead of the default 4/4 signature
– the time division should no longer look incorrect with certain time signatures
– undoing whilst layers were hidden could cause graphic artifacts on screen
– in the “Set Path to Created MIDI” dialog, the browse button should no longer be graphically cut off when clicked
– the file selector dialogs on Mac is no longer missing the ‘New Folder’ button
– the dialog about missing MIDI files should now appear when recalling project in hosts where EZplayer previously failed silently to load all clips
– in the tracks menu, “Split by Playhead” has been changed to “Split at Playhead”, as per manual
– the MIDI Output, Sync At and Layer Handling submenus should now have the correct entry checked instead of the first one when the plug-in window is (re)opened in the 64-bit Mac version
– the contextual menus positions should no longer be displaced in the 64-bit Mac version
– the user preference in respect to tooltips should now be respected, even after re-opening the plug-in window

Fixed in version 1.0.7

– wrapper channels are now enforced in the Browser in the same way as in the Arranger
– a few additional channel/map wrapper selections bugs have been fixed
– fixed an issue with syncing of tracks when looping
– some MIDI notes could be dropped out when using large buffer sizes
– double clicking a groove in the browser triggers a one-shot play of the groove as per earlier versions
– deselecting a kit piece by clicking on the groove in the browser and then changing the tempo factor caused playback to use only the kit piece that was selected before
– changing transpose/velocity on accents now works properly
– dragging a loop from browser when “Respect tempo of MIDI file” was selected created a selection rectangle of the wrong size
– Undo and Redo tampered with scroll position and virtual size of scrollable area
– fixed possible random crashes while recording to a track on Mac
– the typeface used in the interface should no longer disappear when multiple hosts are accessing the plug-in on Mac

Fixed in version 1.0.6

– velocity/transpose are now correctly limited to the range -127 to 127 as intended
– mousing over other controls during knobs operation no longer affect these controls
– all transpose and velocity down/up arrows now use the ‘press and hold’ behaviour
– when dragging a loop to the browser, users will be notified of any access rights restrictions
– the time line and track grid should no longer go out of sync
– sync to host function should now work better in Pro Tools
– wrappers that were not included in the RTAS version on Mac in the previous version added
– wrappers should be more reliably loaded or recalling host sessions
– fixed a performance bug when zooming onto Arranger tracks
– improved handling of scrolling in the Arranger
– previous versions can now be installed for roll back purposes on Mac OS 10.6

Fixed in version 1.0.5

– Arranger tracks are no longer silent on recalling a saved project
– accents should play back as expected when loading a saved file
– drag and drop from the Browser to the Arranger should now work in Logic 9
– MIDI dragged from Sonar 8.5 into the Arranger could not be dragged out of it subsequently
– headers are now skipped when clicking the arrows to step through MIDI in the Browser
– shorthands are now generated when dragging from the Arranger
– setting velocity in the Browser to -127 no longer leads to silence
– the tempo can no longer exceed 320 when clicking the up arrow next to the BPM field
– dragging a groove to the Arranger with the “metronome” ON now respects the track’s tempo
– note 0 from a MIDI input is no longer assigned to “MIDI Learn Play” on start up
– shift clicking a clip in the Arranger now correctly restricts playback to the kit piece selection
– dragging files other than MIDI material into the plugin no longer leads to crashes
– a number of other random crashes after dragging MIDI inside the plugin have been fixed
– crashes due to dropping a groove on top of another and then selecting “copy all” fixed
– using the stretching tool on a clip set it as the “dragging groove” and caused crashes
– other suspicious behaviours when dropping other clips on same track following above actions
– removed creation of the MidiPath written to registry on launch as it was no longer in use
– IMAP map wraps transforms are no longer offset by 12 steps
– Drumcore/Kitcore wrapper name changed to reflect new company details

Fixed in version 1.0.4

– channel is no longer offset by 1 in the Browser
– graphical issues on PPC affecting clips in Arranger
– uninstalling/re-installing should resolve MIDI path issue arising from relocating EZdrummer
– clicking in the timeline while looping and playing should no longer crash EZplayer
– empty MIDI files (or files emptied by wrapper action) no longer crash the program
– further sync to host improvements in Apple Logic
– missing input wrapper for RDK is now included!
– Drumcore wrappers are no longer placeholders but do more than looking nice
– minor other fixes in various wrappers
Fixed in version 1.0.3

– playback engine completely rebuilt
– fixed intermittent crash in DP6 when closing/opening GUI
– Arranger tracks solo/mute button behavior restored
– more robust sync to song position in Logic Pro 8
– loss of sync when looping continuously in Cubase 4 fixed
– fixed issue when looping grooves that have the ‘keep original tempo’ enabled
– when turning sync off the correct internal tempo is restored if in this mode
– fixed bug when recording and having host sync enabled
– fixed looping issues in the Browser for odd beat grooves
– residual controller data no longer lead to imperfect looping in Browser
– grooves with tempo modifiers applied in the Browser are now correctly added to the Arranger
– auto scrolling of viewable area of tracks now works on drag and drop from the Browser
– drop focus is no longer offset when grid setting is set to whole notes
– new snap rules for tracks with odd time signatures
– snap to grid should overall works better
– accuracy of dragging accents at some zoom levels improved
– set note for Tom 1 accents changed to 48
– hi-hat can now also be used as ‘accent’
– the time signature field is updated when changing tracks
– ability to set time signature on several tracks at the same time
– all velocity knobs can be reset with ctrl/command-click
– next groove now takes off where the last finishes while previewing
– latest waves of EZX kitpieces are included
– mouse-over effects added for some buttons
– permissions on folders created on Mac are now multi user friendly
– copy protection improved for rare hardware exceptions

Fixed in version 1.0.2

– memory leak when saving undo history
– Arranger tracks are no longer silent until the host entered a loop region (follow host mode)
– tempo modifiers from clips in Arranger are now recalled correctly
– tempo factor buttons are now displayed correctly when loading a project
– Browser sync to host bar position issue in some hosts
– sync issue in Samplitude 10 when transport in the host is running
– sync when EZplayer has started playing before the host improved
– follow host position no longer make the EZplayer tracks loop on the first beat in FL
– tempo map of conductor track is no longer modified on drag and drop in Traktion
– tempo changes in the host are accounted for when using the MIDI tempo option in Browser
– corrected note 0 and note 6 in kit pieces definitions
– includes Funkymasters kit piece configuration
– log file generation disabled (lower CPU cost)
– copy protection handles VPN setup more gracefully
– link to free MIDI pointing to new repository

Fixed in version 1.0.1

– crashes browsing grooves when kit pieces was set to ‘None’ on mount points
– crashes browsing grooves when source mapping was set to ‘Thru’ on mount points
– velocity knob and tooltips occasional crashes
– bug that caused a crash when playing a track and the host was not playing
– loading a project where kit pieces had been used on tracks no longer cause a crash
– sending all notes off when all tracks and browser is stopped, preventing hanging notes
– deselecting auto-rewind no longer sets the playhead to end position when stopping
– auto-rewind returns playhead to where it started previously (not beginning of track)
– playhead is at the right place after collapsing the loop markers on top of one another
– velocities are no longer added instead of set fresh when dragging from the browser
– improved syncing when selecting sync at > Immediate
– BPM display should now behave appropriately
– ‘Show MIDI activity’ is now recalled as it should
– added ‘dummy’ channel for Cubase SX3 to prevent freezing when reloading projects
– preferences/settings are stored as USER by default (Vista friendly)
– USER domain directory is used as backup for drag and drop (Vista friendly)
– updated wrappers and kit pieces in line with S2.0 GM Extended framework
– .Net dependencies are now minimal

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