Bass Drum Open vs. Hit?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Scott

    Open is when the drummer presses the foot pedal and bounces the beater off the head after the strike. Hit is when he leaves the beater pressed against the head.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hey, Are there plans or is it possible for a preset maybe? Roland modules give a hit for burying the beater and open for all other hits without SD3. So far SD3 doesn’t seem to recognize any hit articulations just a louder open articulation. Am I correct? To rectify this I have been forced to add a stack and put a gate something like 100-127 velocity to get the hit articulation to play. This gets tedious when having to do this with every new kit.

    Since I’m on the topic of vdrums and SD3. I also don’t seem to be able to get all of the articulations on the ride to play when using the roland digital ride? Just seems to play edge, bow, bell and that’s it. The roland ride has many more zones and the latest libraries seem to have more articulations? Is there a different preset that works better with a roland TD50 digital setup?


    Thanks in advance for any input!



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