One day only: Up to 20% off all individual EBXs for EZbass!*

One day only: Up to 20% off all
individual EBXs for EZbass!

One day only: Up
to 20% off all individual EBXs
for EZbass!

Instrumental Rock with Superior 3

User demos
Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Paolo Cacciari

    Hi what sd3 drums preset did you use for it ?


    Hi….with ASIO, it is up to the user to set the buffer size, not the programmer.If you add an extra layer of buffering to support arbitrary buffer sizes, the latency will increase, ie double in some cases, which basically defeats the point of ASIO.As cameron said if you want low latency in windows, and arbitrary buffer sizes you might as well use the default WASAPI output.With ASIO you have to stick to the model it provides to get the absolute lowest latency you can.If you use ASIO4ALL for example, the program itself lets you set the buffer size.


    Great sound in both guitars, and drums (of course) ?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thanked by: Bear-Faced Cow
    Bear-Faced Cow

    I echo Henrik’s sentiments.

    If I’m not mistaken, I’ve heard Peter’s work with “other drum libraries” and even though they were really good then, I will state right now that he’s never sounded better.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:

    Peter McCarthy

    Thanks for listening guys! I appreciate it.



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