Instrumental thrash track: struggling with the mix…

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  • Patrik Wall

    I think it sounds really good and don’t think you are doing anything wrong to be honest.
    You might be looking for another type of sound than what you currently have but that’s another story 🙂

    If you know any other song that sounds more like what you are after you could always bring that song into your project and try to A/B them and try to EQ your song to match the sound you are after.

    As you have “The Mix Toolbox” I would try “Multiband Color and Gain” preset on your master bus instead of the “Clean and Airy Gain” and crank both the Color and Gain knobs since you will get some more mid crunch and loudness from that preset instead of the more scooped sound from your current one.
    If it is still not loud enough even with the gain maxed you might need to adjust the input level as well.

    Cheers from a fellow thrash metal fan 🙂

    Bass player in swedish thrash metal band Defiatory

    Coder at Toontrack


    I agree with the above response. It sounds really good to my ears also. Guitars are crunchy but not overpowered and the bass sounds well mixed. Drums are present and not too in my face. The only part that sounds a little airy to me is the solo but overall the rhythm section sounds nice. Good job on this really.

    Christian Munk

    Thanks for the positive feedback ,guys!
    Really glad it’s sounding good on your systems – i guess i’m on the right track, then…
    Will try and mess around with the other mastering preset as well.

    Have a nice day!!


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