Let Go – new song by Precious Games

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  • notstewart

    Wish I could write and finish a song in 24 hours. The song reminds me a bit of the theme for the tv show “rita” (denmark). Good harmony vocals, I think you could have reduced the length a bit, but that’s just me.
    Good job!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    @notstewart said:
    Wish I could write and finish a song in 24 hours. The song reminds me a bit of the theme for the tv show “rita” (denmark). Good harmony vocals, I think you could have reduced the length a bit, but that’s just me.
    Good job!  

    It is a fun concept, but requires early commitment to song structure, sounds and production. Even though we probably play it some hundred times during those 24 hours, some things you only hear the next day. It is really good practice though, and I do think we are getting better at it. Still plenty of room for improvement, obviously!


    I think your premise is a good idea and believe the initial inspiration/emotion that starts a song is usually the best. I sometimes find that if recording is put off for too long, it’s hard to get back into the original groove/excitement. However for me it’s just not having the skills to set up a mic and play and sing the full song, I make too many mistakes. Therefore I end up having to do a lot of punch-ins for both vocals and guitar.
    My ideal situation would be to write a song and then hand it over to someone with more skills to take it from there.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000

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