Flat sound need help please

E-drum Workshop
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  • Tim Seneca

    Increase the velocity of each note in the midi editor. Also, you may be able to fix some of the velocity issues with he velocity knob on EZDrummer

    Tim SD2, NY2, NY3, Evil Drums, Music City, Metal Foundry, C&V, Rock Warehouse, Metal Machinery EZD2, Metal Machine, Metalheads, Pop!, Indie Folk, # 1 Hits, Claustrophobic, Electronic, Rock Solid, The Classic, Metal!, Nashvile, The Blues, DFH, EZMix, EZKeys


    This is an issue with GuitarPro, the articulations and nuances you create in GuitarPro aren’t saved in a GM (General MIDI) format. So therefore when you export the track, any programming aside from the physical timing of the note will be lost due to the fact GuitarPro has it’s own way of handling MIDI/Accents – GuitarPro is the exception, had this problem in the past where someone said to me they’d written all the drum parts only to find out he had to go through *every* note again as they were all levelled to like 100 velocaity IIRC.

    Anyway, sorry it’s not better news, there is nothing wrong with the setup just the auditioning/playback of GuitarPro isn’t handled in their exporting process, hence why it doesn’t sound right when imported and played back through a *proper* host….

    Kind regards


    www.myspace.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundclick.com/VOLiTiAN www.reverbnation.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundcloud.com/VOLiTiAN

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