Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

amazing sounds with Superior vintage

User demos
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  • Spirit

    Really nice! But why didn’t you show us your own track ?

    Modern Day Catastrophists


    great, I didn’t know this song.

    What is this drum ??? A DIY one ???


    ORIGINAL: satrianalf

    Really nice! But why didn’t you show us your own track ?


    www.myspace.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundclick.com/VOLiTiAN www.reverbnation.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundcloud.com/VOLiTiAN



    Modern Day Catastrophists


    Because it seemed like a bit of an inert question, why should he produce something of his own? Same difference

    Anyway, are those diamond drum shells? Looks and sounds great.

    I think with the increased flexibility of v-drums, the improvements in understanding, software hosts, even physical appearance, coupled with the fact you could take your sound anywhere, it won’t be long before v-drums (not triggers) are actually considered a legitimate choice for live sound.

    www.myspace.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundclick.com/VOLiTiAN www.reverbnation.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundcloud.com/VOLiTiAN

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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