Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Up to 20% off all individual MIDI packs for drums, EZkeys and EZbass!*

Well it’s been a while! So here’s lot to show for it – SD2.0 Sansamp 7-strings….

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  • charvell

    oh man ,this is amazing,great vocals,,,,,,,,, excelent guitar work , who long did it take you guys?


    Hey Charvell (play on the guitar?)

    Thanks man, we do work hard, but on average if we were to put the hours back to back, I’d say it;s about 20-30hrs for each track start to finish, writing, recording, producing, god that was actually tougher to work out that I thought hehehe, we’ve got some more stuff appearing all over, expect some vids and more tracks soon 🙂



    www.myspace.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundclick.com/VOLiTiAN www.reverbnation.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundcloud.com/VOLiTiAN


    I do not listen to much metal these days, but I listened to the first two songs and I liked it a lot.
    Excellent performance from everyone. Nice production too.
    I´ll come back and listen more to your music later.



    yeah i use those guitas(charvells)what are you using e-metal or the foundry?


    ORIGINAL: Anders H

    I do not listen to much metal these days, but I listened to the first two songs and I liked it a lot.
    Excellent performance from everyone. Nice production too.
    I´ll come back and listen more to your music later.


    Hey man, that’s really kind of you, we do work really hard on the music and for someone more outside the genre can appreciate it then to us the hard work has definitely paid off.

    Kind regards


    www.myspace.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundclick.com/VOLiTiAN www.reverbnation.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundcloud.com/VOLiTiAN


    ORIGINAL: charvell

    yeah i use those guitas(charvells)what are you using e-metal or the foundry?

    Gotta love CHarvel’s, I do miss playing a SanDimas I had access to years ago, and lets not forget the plethora of awesome 80’s shredders sporting them alongside Carvin guitars.

    We use metal foundary, and an overdub on the snare, basically using the Tomas Haake snare for the top end crack and a ludwig black beauty I think, as the bottom end resonance, we do some processing inside superior, (really takes a long time to tweak the bleeds) and then we go out to 6x cubase tracks, which then go down to a group track which has some parallel compression on it.

    If you want to know the specifics, lemme know and I’ll square it with the guys and post up some details.


    David @ VOLiTiAN

    www.myspace.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundclick.com/VOLiTiAN www.reverbnation.com/VOLiTiAN www.soundcloud.com/VOLiTiAN

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