Chamber Reverb Multi Out?

Studio Corner
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  • Rogue

    the short answer is no, but you can use x-drums for the toms with their own Chamber x-mic. Or the opposite.

    … that said what are you going to be left with if you gate the chamber, wouldn’t it be easier just to cut back select instruments in that mic? of course it’s not equivalent but the Chamber is all about the reflection so that seems an odd desire, which does not necessarily mean it’s an unworthy quest if you are after a specific result.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Ahh Sweet i’ll do it like that!

    If you’re wondering why I’m gating the chamber I’m chopping the tail off the snare so it doesn’t drag through to the next hit.  I’ve got the chamber sitting quite high in the mix and by doing this it almost sounds like it’s pumping and breathing, I don’t really know how to explain it, but it sounds pretty cool in context with the tune 🙂 I want the toms to keep their tail ends for that big sound which Is why I asked 😀

    Regards, Marcus.


    I think I’d make a Chamber X-drum to add to the original Chamber channel. In the original chamber channel, I’d use the bleed edit and turn off everything but the toms. Adjust volume to taste. With the chamber X-drum, I’d use the bleed edit to turn off everything but the snare. I’d then use the ‘fade’ slider on that channel to shorten the tail.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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