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Today only – 40% off 18
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Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Refuse To Use CC, But Not Allowed To Use Paypal?

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  • godprobe

    I don’t know if it will work, but have you tried debit instead?
    That will draw directly from, usually, your checking account.

    WinXP | Fireface 800 | Variax | Axe-Fx | Toontrack | Komplete | Reaper


    Or you could get a PayPal debit card that draws from your PayPal account but can be used anywhere MasterCard is accepted.

    I’m a strictly cash, debit, check guy myself. I purchase things online with my bank debit card all the time without any issues.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Platinum Samples

    Please check into the security of debit cards though… they don’t have the same security as a credit card… we had ours stolen and were lucky to get refunded by the bank, but only because we noticed it right away.


    Professionally Recorded Multitrack Drum Samples

    Gary Stephens

    ORIGINAL: godprobe

    I don’t know if it will work, but have you tried debit instead?
    That will draw directly from, usually, your checking account.

    Hadn’t thought of that, but will try it. It has the little cc logo thing on it, which I think means it behaves just like a cc for all practical purposes. I’ll try it right now and see what happens. I gotsta have me some Songwriter’s Fill Pack, man I love new fills!!

    Music is the universal language! Let's communicate!

    Gary Stephens

    That worked like a drummers charm! THANKS!

    Music is the universal language! Let's communicate!

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