problem with yamaha kit/ezdrummer

E-drum Workshop
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  • Rogue

    Hi – latency would occur as a result of bad drivers or simply a buffer set to high. If you mean the original Mbox the lowest buffer you can get is 512 which is definitely on the high side.

    the DTXplorer maps the kick outside of GM so yes that’s unsurprising. Worst is that you cannot remap it in the module. Use solo and the edrum preset or set an input transformer on the input path in your Logic environment (this may add latency). Not for the faint hearted but here you go.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    check settings in the YAM DTX brain

    Notes corrspond to the pad when setting up instruments to the pads. Ie assiging a Kick , Cymbal and so forth.

    Load up the program with your midi host running. Use the edit function in the DTX to change the NOTE type

    C 3. D4 etc. Adjust the kick ( pad)  trigger note to match the sound of the drum piece you are going for.

    You’ll see the notes when you edit any trigger. Each pad will correspond to the note as you play the kit piece. Ex:
    when you hit the kick, and have the edit ( trigger edit) mode on teh DTX brain running, you’ll see NOTE selection.

    Check the DTX manual for exact reference. Trigger editing chapter.


    the DTXplorer maps the kick outside of GM so yes that’s unsurprising. Worst is that you cannot remap it in the module.

    so err trust me, I (sometimes) know what I’m talking about 😉

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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