Just bought SD3 and new to edrums. Spent all day and night yesterday downloading. I have a Roland TD-50 and choking works on all my cymbals. Also my VH-13 hats play how I like them. I’m trying to make a user kit with the Pearl drums for heavy rock/metal. I’ve spent most of today trying to figure out how to choke cymbals and set-up my hats. For this thread, can anyone give step by step instructions to get my Roland CY-14C cymbal to choke? The TD-50 has a setting to turn choking on. I though this was done with aftertouch via a CC but if it is, I can’t find the number. I haven’t seen any MIDI notes to mute cymbals in the TD-50 module.
I would give me left arm if anyone had a SD3 kit for the TD50 for me to see parameters of the hat, snare, ride and cymbal choking.
I wish I could play with my new toy, but instead, just getting frustrated. Thanks so much for any help anyone can provide!!!