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Can't Load Saved .ezdp Project

Pro Tools 11.3, EZDrummer 2. Mac OS X 10.10.2 Yosmite. I built an EZDrummer 2 drum track for my project. I had saved the EZDrummer project (from within Pro Tools – used the “Menu>Save Project” button in EZDrummer 2), then tweaked it and re-saved it with the same name in the same directory (“Do you want to replace?”) When I try to reload the project, the time line looks like something loads, but nothing appears in the EZDrummer time line  and nothing plays when I hit the play button.

Things I’ve tried:

  1. Loading the project from EZDrummer standalone (Either “File>Open” or from “Menu>Load Project”). Pro Tools is not running when I tried this. Same result – nothing appears in the EXDrummer timeline.
  2. Clicking on the “.ezdp” project file to launch EZDrummer 2 standalone. Doesn’t work for this project file, but it DOES work for another .ezdp project file.
  3. Drag and drop the project file to the EZDrummer 2 timeline. Doesn’t work. Nothing loads into the timeline when I try this either from within Pro Tools or in EXDrummer stand alone. Actually, it appears that it isn’t supposed to load this way.

It appears to me the project file is corrupted. If this is the case, is there some way to rebuild the file? I have a lot of time wrapped up in this project and I’m not sure I could rebuild it the same. I do have the MIDI file that I created in EZDrummer and dragged to the Pro Tools MIDI timeline, but as you know, importing that back to  EZDrummer doesn’t give me the individual modifiable drum clips.

I freaking LOVE Toontrack products and I own a lot of Toontrack applications. I think this is the only bump I’ve encountered when using Toontrack applications, certainly EZDrummer.

I hope you have some solution. I know you’re busy and I truly appreciate your time and your fantastic products.

Keep up the great work!

Jay Strauss

NOTE: I just noticed that the EZDrummer 2 project file I am trying to reload is only 3KB in size. Other EZDP project files are much larger. Sumpin’ ain’t right.

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