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MIDI Out latency in SD3?

Hi there,

I’m using two layers of drums with one SD3 instance and one VSTi opened.
I would like that, when I search/preview/play a groove within SD3, the midi would also be sent to the other VSTi so that both could execute the groove at the same time.
Right now, I have to drag & drop each of the grooves I’m testing on a Cubase midi track so that I can have it played by both the instruments at the same time.
It is a real pain and it totally defeats the use of the Toontrack MIDI grooves in my specific case.
After a couple of trials, I just give up.

It also prevents me from using the midi editor of SD3 because I have to drag & drop the SD3 Midi sequence in Cubase after each and every modification made within SD3.

So basically, I would like that any groove or midi track within the “master” SD3 instance sends its midi data in absolute real time to any other VSTi.

I know there is a MIDI out feature built in SD3, which should be fine in theory but, when I send the Midi out of the first instance of SD3 to the input of another VSTi, it works BUT, I have to arm the VSTI’s track for recording/previewing AND there is a very obvious latency.
So, instead of hearing one fat layered drum kit made of two drums, I hear two drums playing with a delay.

And that latency doesn’t change with the Audio/midi settings in Cubase.
For whatever reason, even though I go from 256 samples to 64 samples of buffering, I get the exact same latency (at least it doesn’t feel like anything changing) even though I’m down to a theoretical 4.x ms latency for anything else which should be way low enough.

I get that Midi routing implies latency when you use an external midi device. After all, the midi signal needs at least 4ms to get to its destination, for what I know, but:
1) 4 ms shouldn’t be audible and the latency I get is obviously way more than that.
2) it’s all internal, no cable or physical routing is required so there is no reason for the signal to be limited in speed.
3) I also tried to activate the delay compensation in Cubase with no change whatsoever.
4)  I deactivated all plugins, especially on the master track, but it doesn’t change anything at all.

This all makes me think that, maybe, the latency is generated by the SD3 MIDI OUT feature itself because absolutely nothing in Cubase allows me to mitigate this latency that only happens with my SD3 instance. It seems like built in and generated from the source.

Any idea how I could solve that?

Thank you.

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