I recently bought SD3 after having used SD2 on a friends computer and I have a problem with creating a custom MIDI map in SD3. I’ve done it in SD2 before, and would like to do the same in SD3, but two days of googling has so far been unable to tell me how to do it.
What I did in SD2 / what I want to do now:
In SD2 I first cleared out the entire MIDI map by clicking clear all (Is there a similar button in SD3? Currently the fastest way I’ve found to do this is to delete the mappings for each drum separately which is really slow). I then added in the 15 or so sounds and articulations that I actually need, to the notes I want them to be on (Kick on c1, snare on e1, toms on f1 g1 a1 and b1, crashes on g2, a2, b2, d3 and e3 etc). This I’ve found out how to do in SD3. I’ve even saved it the MIDI In/E-Drums menu as my own custom MIDI map. The problem is that when I start testing out sounds / the presets that come with SD3, it immediately forgets about my custom MIDI map and starts using some other MIDI map that doesn’t fit at all to what I want it to play (All my songs have been written with my own custom MIDI map, and thus it starts playing all the wrong drums when I change the preset). I can’t even load up my own custom MIDI map. Though it is listed in user presets in the MIDI In/E-Drums under the Default drop down menu, absolutely nothing happens when I load it up: the drum map still stays the same.
How can I:
I am really struggling and would appreciate your advice. I have a drum kit loaded in SD3 and have added three additional instruments: a Cowbell, a tambourine and a shaker. However only the cowbell (which is “instrument 1”) has a mapped midi note. The other two I can simply not figure out how to get mapped so I can use it while programming drums. I tried checking in the midimap layout, but I don’t have the option to add those anywhere.
Have I missed something?