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Midi import/audio bounce issues


I have SD3 version 3.1.2 installed with the default sound library and use it in Logic Pro X 10.4.3 under macOS 10.14.3 (beta, although all this happened under final version also)

I am having following issues when importing midi and bouncing audio from within SD3:

As a feature request, I think it would be cool to add an option to include/bypass volume/pan and effects.

Thank you and Happy New Year everyone!


EZDRUMMER installed on PC and connected to Alesis Crimson Mesh Kit via USB


I am trying to get my Alesis kit working with my pc using ASIO driver. But when i use this driver i only hear the drums and not the music.

I do have 2 sounds cards in stalled

What i want to achieve is to use the headphone on my pc, alongs side EZDrummer 2 and Spotify to play along.

How can this be achieved?

Using drums as backing track – which preset



I’m using Superior Drummer 3.0. As we are gigging without a drummer right now, can anyone give advice as to the most appropriate preset that I can use for SD 3.0 to give to my sound guys as a backing track? I’ll be giving my soundguy a stereo pair. Before I used the djent preset, however the last soundguy had a difficulty making it sound good. I’m worried if I just give a clean unprocessed kit, it will sound a bit too unfocused. That and I can’t really try this out before we go for the gig through a PA.


Any advice or experience appreciated.



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