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I guess from my side of things I treat superior like I would a regular drum kit and so so I set panning to mimic the panning of the kit as it’s set up. So that means I’ll keep all the different mics for a kit piece panned to the same positon – afterall when you hit a drum you don’t get the top sound from one side of the room and the bottom sound from the other. The point of the different mics is to enable you to mix the mic signals to get the sound you prefer. Want more fizz on the snare then use more of the bottom mic, prefer it with a bit more of the head thwack then add more top mic.

I guess at the end of the day you can always try different panning ideas as hey you may find that extra special something you were missing but for a more conventional drum kit sound I would keep mics for pieces together and pan them as per kit position.


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