Is an SSD essential for SD3?

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  • Henrik

    The drawback of having a slower hard drive is that it takes longer to load libraries, presets and drums. When it has completed the loading, the drums will kept in RAM.

    The audio quality will suffer if you have too little RAM installed, say 2GB, and you load a 4GB preset. In that case will your operating system place stuff that can’t be placed in the RAM on your hard drive instead as swap files, and it will slow things up.

    64GB RAM should be more than enough to keep the Superior stuff in RAM 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    John Zuker

    Ok, thanks.
    So the samples are not streaming from the drive when in use?!
    That’s good to know. Longer load times are annoying, but not a deal breaker.


    @John said:
    So the samples are not streaming from the drive when in use?!

    Exactly 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer



    How can I use the SSD Drive, I do not get it, I don’t see the libraries in the program, superior drummer 3.Can you help me please with that


    Operating system: macOS High Sierra (10.13)

    Hi Leo,

    can you please elaborate? When you write ‘the SSD Drive’, are you referring to the SSD drive with pre-installed SD3 core library previously sold by Toontrack?

    Is the Drive mounted and visible in the Finder? If so, does it have any folders and files on it?

    If it does indeed have the ‘SL-SuperiorDrummer3’ folder on it, you can check the Settings > Libraries/Paths if the Library is added and then check the path and correct if needed. If it’s not there, please add it.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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