bouncing in SD vs recording outputs of SD In DAW

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  • John


    and thank you for your interest in Toontrack products.

    The offline bounce gives you further options for getting audio files from SD3 into your DAW, like splitting the Close and Bleed signals, Force Enable all Bleed, etc.
    When you route the outputs (16 Stereo Outputs) of the SD3 plug-in to your DAW, it’s a WYHIWYG situation, so there is no change in what you hear in real-time when you bounce in your DAW.
    Since there are other options for the offline Bounce in SD3, you can get resulting files that may not be possible for you due to limited memory/CPU resources (less of a problem these days). The offline Bounce also can get you per microphone files instead of Mixer outputs, resulting in a more “realistic” recording session, if that is what you are after.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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