One day only: Up to 20% off all individual EBXs for EZbass!*

One day only: Up to 20% off all
individual EBXs for EZbass!

One day only: Up
to 20% off all individual EBXs
for EZbass!

Clarification on license transfer – is there a fee now ?

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  • Scott

    Yes there was a recent transfer fee added. See the FAQ for details:

    Yes, it applies to every and all products.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    So when i bought all my toontrack products it was with no transfer fees included but now you are changing my contact with you to your financial advantage.

    Is that correct?


    Sadly companies do this all the time.  They build in flexibility for themselves into the initial contract, and that gives them the ability to change things to their liking later.

    Very regularly I get an email from PayPal saying they changed their terms and conditions.

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