ProMan says all 7 serial #’s dwnlded but i cant find them

Product Manager
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  • Scott

    Where did you purchase? I don’t see an order with your email address in the Toontrack Webshop. Have you contacted the retailer?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I purchased it from sweetwater. All the serial numbers are showing up in the product manager under ezmix 2 but I cant access any of the 6 packs, cant find them in the product manager, to use them. I am waiting on a reply from sweetwater and I appreciate you taking time to write me back. —-  J.R.

    Operating system: Windows 10

    I purchased it from sweetwater. All the serial numbers are showing up in the product manager under ezmix 2 but I cant access any of the 6 packs, cant find them in the product manager, to use them. I am waiting on a reply from sweetwater and I appreciate you taking time to write me back. —-  J.R.

    Operating system: Windows 10

    You will need to contact and wait for Sweetwater to look into the issue. Seems like they gave you the wrong serial numbers for the EZmix packs.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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