Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Today only – 40% off 18
selected EZXs.

Today only – 40% off 18 selected EZXs.*

Hard Rock EZX vs. Rock Foundry SDX

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  • Scott

    No, they contain unique MIDI with no crossover MIDI between them.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi Toontrack,

    I have a question on this as well. I already have the Rock Foundry SDX. Is there anything the Hard Rock EZX offers that the SDX doesn’t? I’m interested in it but I would like to know if there are different drum samples or anything like that.




    EZXs are premixed sounds by the producer. For users that want that…and it’s what Ezdrummer is all about. Good sounds out of the gate.

    SDXs are raw but they do have some mixer presets.

    There are no new sounds in the EZX. The MIDI in both are unique.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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