Is choosing Individual kits pieces in grooves still possible>

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  • Henrik

    @blues4use said:
    In Superior Drummer 2 I was able to listen to individual kit pieces or choose what kit pieces I wanted to hear in the groove that was playing. This would allow ,
    me to hear lets say a Hi hat pattern from one groove, a snare from another and from a totally different midi pak a kick drum pattern and drag them down into layers or tracks. . This would be helpful in creating fast patterns of kit piece performances by dragging them down to the Player. This option box would appear in the right side on the grooves page. Is there a way to do this in SD3.

    The way you can achieve the same thing is by right clicking a MIDI file in the Grooves tab, and selecting “Copy”. Now right click a block (or an empty area) on the song track and Choose “Paste >”. In that menu you can select if you want to paste the entire MIDI groove, or just one of the instruments in it – hi-hat for example.

    Also are layers still possible on individual tracks?  

    If you with this mean MIDI grooves on top of eachother – then no.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    joe erkman

    Thanks Henrik for your reply and advice.
    I am sorry to hear this option in the browser Groove Tab has been eliminated. To be able to SEE the instruments in a groove and click/solo any one of them in real time (let’s say Hi Hat) and then click on another groove and solo that, and continue doing this until you find the hi hat groove you need was a helpful tool to locating/auditioning instrument parts. All this without ever having to do the Copy.Paste,Click,Choose process you described above. Plus this process would have to be done for each Groove
    you wanted to solo an instrument in. Another plus of this was the ease of just dragging this chosen groove with the solo’d instrument down to the track.
    If possible I would like to add a consideration to future firmware updates an added box to the right in the Groove browser that would show the intstruments in that groove and the ability to solo any combination of those instruments, as found in SD2.
    Thanks again for your help and looking forward to digging deeper into this program.


    Thanks for the ideas! I’ll take a note of your thoughts here, and see what I can do with them 🙂 Great feedback!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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