Drag and drop chords?

EZkeys Pre-sales
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  • Scott

    Drag from your DAW to EZkeys? Or drag from EZkeys to your DAW? Or something else?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Sean Tatalovich

    I meant drag from EZKeys to Daw. Are there preset midi chords in the EzKeys I can click and drag to my DAW?


    There are MIDI grooves to select from in the EZkeys browser. Most are full phrases (8 or more measures long). There are also single chords. You can drag any into the EZkeys Song Track and edit them. You can change a chord from say, an A major to a G7b5 if you want. You can then drag your tweaked chords into your DAW. Most of the time I end up constructing my MIDI sequence in EZkeys using the Song Track. My DAW and EZkeys are synced so playback it started in my DAW and EZkeys follows. It allows me to tweak things using EZkeys tools that I find easier than using the pencil tool in my DAW.

    Take a quick look at this video of some EZkeys features.


    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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