Application To Build Your Own Custom Kit From EZX Packs

Requests and Feedback
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  • Rogjul

    One way to do this right now for free is within your DAW just load several instances of EZdrummer . Say load 1 ez drummer with just your favorite kick drum. then another with your fav cymbals etc. then 1 with your fav toms, and 1 with your fav snare .
    Assign them all to the same midi channel and they will all play as 1 custom kit.

    btw you could also just have your fav whole kit , and then open 1 more ezdrummer to add a 2nd kick to blend with the whole kit.

    These will all of course show up as separate channels in your DAW.

    Just an idea

    Jeff Adams

    I know. I already do this. Though I mainly use Superior for my custom kits. It would be great to have this ability in one place. I also would like a mixer channel to appear and disappear depending on what instrument I have chosen as well as the ability to choose the overall mix. Dry, roomy, flat, etc.

    Toontrack just makes such gorgeous and functional software that it would be nice to have a tool to mix the EZX kits all in one interface. I know they would do it right.

    Thanks for the idea.


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