Fancy rolling,marching snare drum Midi ?

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  • Whitten

    I’ve done ‘train beats’ in both my midi libraries, however they don’t sound anything like rolls, or military rolls.
    Sounds like something you’d hear in a New Orleans style groove library.


    Some new orleans libraries and train beat rhythms are close but only generally speaking ,
    something that focuses on this might at first seem limited but would still be invaluable .
    Personally i have been programming with midi since the days of DX7’s so its not “too hard” for me
    although i end up spending way too much time finessing it ,would be near on impossible for most newbies .

    Claustro has a Rudaments folder but i think there is only 1 that works.
    Didn’t hear any in C&V ?
    Just sayin some specialised well layed out rudament action would be nice to have.
    Also like people ask for more comprehensive Latin then the stuff available thus far.
    As an example i wouldnt maybe know my rhumba from my samba and would be happy if TT covered this basic ground,especially if it was played really superbly.
    Even if it’s a bit corny or un original it would fill in the midi libraries and could all be named easily.
    It;s dare i say “classic” rhythmic material.

    Here steve gadd does something similar – with kick and hes just jamming but it’s in the same ball park with some press rolls and stuff.


    If you have the Nashville EZX there is a song under Sticks->Straight called ‘March Snare 88BPM’. The verse section as some similar playing to your youtube vid. It’s not much but it’s a start.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Yes i’m aware of that 1 midifile .
    thank you guys for answering but c’mon 1 or 2 files !
    I have most all the of midi TT have produced and yes they are aimed at the masses (as im sure you will remind me)
    songwriters and makers of pop,rock,funk,country,jazz,heavy metal.hip hop, it is wonderful,Great Stuff !
    And hidden in the fills of all these we find snippets of some of the rolls,press rolls and fancy stuff but what about….going in-depth with it as first explained.

    As these other older rhythms and groove”elements”perhaps transcend genre they could be the breeding ground of new cross genre hybrids if fused into rock and hip hop,let alone stand on there own right.
    Devs ? Mattius ?


    It was just a suggestion.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Scotty i understand, but had already checked all existing midi before asking ,thats why i asked.
    Its really just a suggestion to the Devs as the header of this section says we can leave ideas for them.

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