One day only: Up to 20% off all individual EBXs for EZbass!*

One day only: Up to 20% off all
individual EBXs for EZbass!

One day only: Up
to 20% off all individual EBXs
for EZbass!


Requests and Feedback
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    What is it that you expect to be able to do with it as a plug-in that
    you cannot do with it as an application?

    /Olof W

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    KJ S

    I just think it would be easier to have your DAW open and using DT as a plugin you could route the drums in real time to a separate track. I know there is other software that does it but I think it would be great . I hope that made sense. Don’t get me wrong I love DT I just think it would be less steps. Maybe I am wrong

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    >Maybe I am wrong

    I have no idea 😉  I have seen this request a couple of times
    and I am just curious as to what it actually means.

    >…using DT as a plugin you could route the drums in real time to a separate track.

    Does that mean that you would like DT to also be a sampler providing
    the replacement sounds or does it mean that you would like it to
    work a bit like EZplayer outputting MIDI that can be sent to any

    /Olof W

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    Dave Modisette

    I would expect that a real time Drumtracker plugin routed to a separate sampler would be subject to latency issues if the program had to detect a transient, then decide whether it met the filter requirements and then create a midi event at an appropriate velocity and send that event out a VST midi out and on down the line.  If you didn’t commit to an audio track by some kind of bounce early in the project, it wouldn’t be all that usable if you had to increase playback buffers to ease the load on the CPU.

    Dave Modisette


    I could be wrong, but I think people want to hear their original drums, their proposed replacement sounds, AND the music track they are working on all at the same time.
    Hard to replace sounds when you have less context.

    KJ S

    LOL ok maybe it wasn’t such a great request.

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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