EZ Drummer and Ableton Live 8.0 sequencer

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Ron0001

    I guess Toontrack doesn’t bother to watch or reply to these questions. If they can’t bother to answer a simple question then I can’t be bothered purchasing their software… SEE YA


    we do our best to attend these forums, but ultimately some questions will go under the radar…

    Anyway what it means is that in Ableton Live you cannot restrict an instrument to respond to a specific MIDI channel. In most cases this won’t be much of a limitation but if you were to try to use EZplayer pro to drive multiple samplers this could prevent you doing so.

    But don’t take this info as correct in respect to the latest Live version (but this is certainly true for version 6 to 8), and depending on the exact environment (using the Audio Unit on Mac OS) this can in fact be achieved. We do have to document it as a NO however, short of writing 2 pages of small prints.

    Like I said, unlikely to be a concern to you, and I suspect the answer may leave you as much in the dark as no answer… but at least it has the merit to be here for the world to see…

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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