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One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

One day only: 17 classic EKX expansions at up to 40% off!*

Roland Hd-1 V-drum lite compatibility?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • ProDigit

    *Edit: Basically I would also like to know if EZdrummer cab be ran as a standalone app,or if it needs to run as a plugin.
    And if it needs to run as a plugin, which program is cheapest, or free (not for recording, just playing back)?

    thank you?


    you can use EZdrummer with Toontrack solo, our free application primarily designed for edrummers, included with EZdrummer.

    I don’t think you would encounter any mapping issues with the HD1 although I don’t have the hardware reference chart in front of me – Roland have a clearly defined mapping policy and I doubt they would do anything out of the ordinary when it comes to this aspect.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager



    The Roland HD-1 seems to work perfectly fine with toontrack solo and EZdrummer.
    Just some drum specific issues mentioned in

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