ezdrummer lite

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • ea350

    Be careful with “V”s, and “U”s.
    When I tried to enter my EZL ages ago, I had the same problem.

    Is it still the same dot print serial typeface that’s used ?

    Windows 10 |3.4 I7 Ivy Bridge 16gb ddr3 | Studio One Producer | Focusrite Forte USB2 | Roland TD11 | EZDrummer 2 | EZmix 2 | EZkeys 2 | StudioOne Pro 4| Cubase 10 Pro


    Be careful with “V”s, and “U”s.

    As well as ‘6’s and ‘G’s.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @ Scott

    I knew I had trouble with other characters, but I couldn’t remember which ones

    Windows 10 |3.4 I7 Ivy Bridge 16gb ddr3 | Studio One Producer | Focusrite Forte USB2 | Roland TD11 | EZDrummer 2 | EZmix 2 | EZkeys 2 | StudioOne Pro 4| Cubase 10 Pro

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